4月下旬に発売された「第3の性への誘惑(ララの場合)」は桜沢ゆうの性転のへきれきシリーズの小説中で売上トップの状態が続いていますが、5月上旬に発売された英語バージョン “ENCHANTED INTO THE THIRD GENDER” も意外に売れています!(この英語版の出版の経緯については、「第3の性への誘惑」日本語版の「あとがき」に詳細に解説されています。)
- とにかくアメリカのAmazon Kindle市場規模が巨大であること。日本ではまだ紙本が圧倒的に大きいですが、アメリカは電子化が早く進んでいます。
- アメリカのGender Swap小説市場が大きいこと。LGBTを権利として公言するTS人口が大きく、LGBTの本を読んでみようという人口も大きい。
- アメリカのGender Swap小説は日本で言うとボーイズラブコミックのような気軽さで書かれた強制性転換・突然性転換小説が主流でいきなりハードなエロティックな記述になるものが大半。桜沢ゆうの最近の作品のようなストーリー性や心理を重視したものは目新しい。
「第3の性への誘惑」日本語版の「あとがき」に書かれた方法(桜沢が英語で書いた詳細プロットを、 米国人ライターが小説家し、桜沢が最終編集する)でも売れるなら、日本で出版済みの小説を英訳してアメリカで出版すればよいのですが、その場合、①長編小説の英訳にかかる費用(多分1000ドルぐらい)、②英語版をアメリカ人ライターに小説らしくリファインしてもらう費用(多分500ドルぐらい)がかかり、約18万円の経費がかかります。一冊当たりのロイヤルティを250円とすると、720冊売れてやっと元が取れるという計算になり、あまり良いお金の使い方とは言えません。おまけに➂英語版の最終チェックと編集に桜沢がかける時間は相当なものですから、日本語の新作を書くのに使うほうがずっと良いということになるわけです。
今回のEnchanted into the Third Genderで支払ったアメリカ人ライターへの費用は約4万円ですので、この方法なら確実に採算が合うと言えます。また、桜沢の書いた詳細プロットをベースにして日本人作家(桜沢)の日本語版と、アメリカ人作家の英語版が競作の形で書かれるという面白さが期待できます。
on May 24, 2015
This book is enchanting! Yulia Yu. Sakurazawa simply outdid herself on making this! The book has a great storyline, colorful images came into my imagination, with Japanese-Indian-American flavor rolled into one. I liked how the author spilled sensual, steamy scenes in a gracious manner, and how she expressed love in a whole, new level. I’ve truly enjoyed this book. Job well done!
This deserves 5-stars
on May 22, 2015
I always love stories that take me to different places and introduce me to different cultures and societies. This book has been like a bonus for me because it is so diverse. I also appreciate that this is a story of transgenders. The author has been so eloquent and expressive, making this book an excellent masterpiece that must be read. After reading the story, I felt that I’ve found comfort, the one I am always in search for.
A good read for those with open minds.
on May 20, 2015
As an avid reader, I can appreciate a good book whenever I read one, and this is no exception. The book is about transgenders, and I believe that the author presented the book in a very articulate and eloquent manner, making it a great literary piece. It is a must read for all those having trouble with their sexuality. By the time the reader reaches the last page, he or she will definitely have the solace and the answers that he or she needs
on May 16, 2015
NICE READ..Enchanted Into the Third Gender …A must Read.
It’s an informative read with plenty of resources. As a queer female myself, I can only say I wish there had been books around like this for me when I was younger, maybe I might not have felt so alone and isolated. Being rebellious by nature when I moved to a bigger city, I refused to be or act in any other way than who I am; even to the point of being punched in the mouth by a straight guy because he didn’t like the fact that I was going home with my girlfriend from a club. Evidently, he had been there to pick women up and realized too late he was in the wrong place.When I came out to my own parents, I gave them a copy of it, and they really appreciated it. My mother said she thought it had been written just for her. I heartily recommend it to anyone who has questions about their own sexuality or that of a friend or relative, or wants to be able to answer the questions others ask. I truly enjoyed the book. Normally, I would share the book or pass it along, but the resources are invaluable, so this one’s a keeper!
It’s an informative read with plenty of resources. As a queer female myself, I can only say I wish there had been books around like this for me when I was younger, maybe I might not have felt so alone and isolated. Being rebellious by nature when I moved to a bigger city, I refused to be or act in any other way than who I am; even to the point of being punched in the mouth by a straight guy because he didn’t like the fact that I was going home with my girlfriend from a club. Evidently, he had been there to pick women up and realized too late he was in the wrong place.When I came out to my own parents, I gave them a copy of it, and they really appreciated it. My mother said she thought it had been written just for her. I heartily recommend it to anyone who has questions about their own sexuality or that of a friend or relative, or wants to be able to answer the questions others ask. I truly enjoyed the book. Normally, I would share the book or pass it along, but the resources are invaluable, so this one’s a keeper!
A real roller coaster ride
on May 14, 2015
As an avid reader im open to all kinds of writing, and so I decided to see what the author had to offer in the form of entertainment. From Japan to India with all the exotic flavors. This story was insane and interesting. I can actually see them making this into a movie. We all have deep and dark desires.Some deeper and darker than others. The book was a real roller coaster ride with a few sudden turns. Good read and will recommend to anyone with an open mind.
on May 26, 2015
The author has done a great job with this book “Enchanted Into the Third Gender”. The book is very well written. The author will sure hijack the mind of the reader, I found the book interesting from the very first chapter and gradually as i moved ahead by turning the pages the love and faith of the story did not let me stop reading. Has a great read. Thank you!